Wekaforé feat. Pional Solid Jacket (2022)

Philip Agee left the CIA in 1969. Later, when asked why, he replied: "I fell in love with a woman who thought Che Guevara was the most wonderful man in the world.” In fact, he was so disgusted by the actions of the CIA in Latin America that he moved to London and began working against his former employer. In 1976, he collaborated with Time Out magazine and published the names of 60 alleged CIA agents stationed in England. For Time Out, a London-centered underground listings magazine where decisions were initially arrived at through collective consensus and all workers received equal compensation, this act of subversion represented its deeply entrenched left-wing politics. Today, there is not much left of this attitude and activism. Time Out now covers over 300 cities worldwide and is a publicly traded company. Nevertheless, this transformation from David to Goliath has scarcely diminished its reputation as a reliable event listings magazine. Those who earn a spot on the best lists for events experience a boost in audience numbers. Wekaforé Jibril can tell you a thing or two about it. Originally from Nigeria, he moved to Bilbao in 2016 to study fashion. Shortly after, he made his way to Barcelona and decided to start the club night Voodoo Club. His motivation? He was fed up with how Black and queer people were often mistreated or turned away at club doors. In 2021, Voodoo Club was voted the “Best Club Night” in Barcelona by Time Out. The success of his party series overshadows Wekaforé's other talents. One of them is writing and producing music. The best example of this: "Solid Jacket", a disco-inspired collaboration with Ninja Tune- and The xx-associated Spanish producer Pional.  
